Our project will be carried out to increase the employability of VET students. To achieve this objective, the labor markets and studies of FP Slovaquia, Romania, Greece and Turkey will be analyzed. The project will focus on finding ways to improve the training of VET students to increase the chances of students from one of our countries to finish working in another of the countries analyzed. The objectives that are going to be treated are:
– Avoid school absenteeism
– Quick and efficient integration of immigrant students
– Improve their professional, linguistic and digital skills, as well as soft skills such as social skills, leadership skills, interpersonal relationships, positive attitude, and teamwork, synergy of partners.
– Exchange among the partners good innovation practices in the use of active methodologies in the field of learning such as Cloud computing, PRODETUR, ICT communication and other digital resources.
– Study and comparison of the results of the FP students, based on the services and good practices carried out by each of the partners participating in the project, in order to analyze strengths and weaknesses and this establish feedback channels in the improvement of the quality of services in VET.
A group of teachers of the different professional families and the participation of the students will carry out the execution of the project.
The topic on which our project will focus will be entrepreneurship, using tools such as PRODETUR and cloud computing, aimed at students learning to learn, planning tasks, times, collaborative and individual work, synthesis techniques, interaction among students, participation and search for information, realization of events, etc. In this way all students from other countries will be integrated and will be motivated not to leave.
The project is aimed at students of Vocational Training of our center.
Although our students receive training adapted to the business reality of our environment, the changing nature of this in terms of technology, forces us to
be in continuous training. One of the leading technologies in the market is the implementation of services, infrastructure and development platforms in the cloud. By we believe that the Erasmus projects are an ideal framework to be able to attend to this need that not only supposes an improvement in the professional training of our students but also in the linguistic and cultural that allows the personal and social growth, working the social skills of the participants (not only students but also of the teaching staff and the own companies).
The development of the project is divided into two phases, according to the duration of the project, and consists of different tasks based on oral and written exhibitions made through the use of various tools and ICT applications (videos, posters, concept maps, timelines , videoconferences, interviews,
advertisements, cover letters, etc.). These tasks are hosted, exchanged, compared and analyzed in the eTwinning Twinspace platform and a web page created for the project.
The design and creation of a web page created for the diffusion of the project, in which a selection of the results will be exposed.
The benefits that will be obtained will be multiple, the entrepreneurial spirit will be fostered, afterwards and of utmost importance the communication with other children, in the English language, they will know other cultures, other study methodologies, at the same time that they practice and carry out all their own activities of administration that has been assigned to them, be it purchase-sale, marketing, treasury, warehouse … They will learn other ways of working. Hence, they are inspired to travel and see other countries, increasing the possibility of job search or entrepreneurship in those places where they have been communicating throughout the project. All this will make the student not leave since he will be motivated and excited to know and learn in a playful way, using ICT tools. Even those students enrolled in our center, from other countries, will feel fully integrated and accepted, feeling the same and working for a common goal, collaborating and contributing their native teachings