IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer – Sevilla – SPAIN

The IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, a public center under the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Junta de Andalucía, is characterized by its constant commitment to innovation and the persevering pursuit of quality. This is evidenced by facts such as that it was ascribed to bilingualism and the implementation of new technologies from the beginning of these ambitious projects.

The lessons we teach are, in the morning shift, Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Basic Professional Training (Administrative Services). In the afternoon, our classrooms welcome students of Secondary Education for Adults (Semipresencial), Baccalaureate of Adults (Face-to-Face and Semi-Presence), Initial Vocational Training of Middle Grade (Administrative Management), and initial Vocational Training of Higher Degree (cycles of Administration and Finance and Management Assistance).

The total number of students is around nine hundred and has a staff of seventy-three teachers for the 2019/20 course.


We believe that in a society like the current one, immersed in a process of globalization that is increasingly integrated within the common European framework, requires understanding, cooperation, exchange of ideas and citizen mobility. Therefore, we have been organizing activities for many years in which our teachers and our students have participated with centers in Italy, the United Kingdom and Germany, in addition to receiving visits from Dutch, Austrian, French teachers, etc.

We list below the activities that include mobility of the last two courses:

Cultural immersion (Exmouth, U.K. 2017-18)
Practical Methodology for Teachers (U.K. 2017-2018)
French ict tools for Learning and Teaching in School (French, 2018-19)
Creative Teaching in te Secondary CLIC Classroom (U.K. 2018-19)
Digital Turn (Holland 2018-19)
Benchmarking Course Finnish Education (Finland 2018-19)
Student Exchange with Johann Heinrich Voss Schule (Germany 2018-19)

And in this course, we have already underway:

Visit of Austrian Professional Training teachers. The exchange of experiences that arise from here may serve for future mobility activities.
Exchange visit of the Lycée Notre Dame Tourteliere de Puozauges. Exchange of information on the respective educational systems.
2019-1-ESO1-KA 202-065847. The title of the project is: To alleviate absenteeism through teamwork, motivation, personal development and immigration insertion. We are the coordinators of the working group with teachers from Turkey, Romania, Slovakia and Greece.
2019-1-ESO1-KA 103-062918. Mobility for the FCT in the EU of our students.

As can be seen from the foregoing, the IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer has always considered that the relations and exchanges of students and teachers with people from other countries and educational systems, but that pursue common objectives, and under the protection of European institutions, are an opportunity extraordinary for everyone.

And for this course, teachers and students of our cycles join this mobility project. Thus, based on the awareness of belonging to the European Union, we have objectives not only strictly academic, but also professional as they are – in a broad sense – to study the European labor market and favor the labor insertion of our students.

Thus, we can firmly affirm that in this European development plan will participate:
. The direct team, which will encourage the implementation of as many viable and enriching projects for the center.
. Teachers, who want to improve their language training and their specific area of training. We already include, in addition to teachers in the linguistic and non-linguistic areas, the Professional Training partners.
. Secondary and Baccalaureate students, in the programs or activities of exchanges and / or cultural visits.
. Students of the Training Cycles who wish to carry out the Training in Work Centers module in EU countries.

We do not believe it is necessary to waste words to explain how important it is to improve the linguistic competence of all students and teachers. All areas are included: the scientific, social, labor and, even, why not say, the simple citizen who travels the countries of our cultural environment. Undoubtedly, learning foreign languages ​​helps develop more respectful attitudes towards people from different countries that puts us in touch with other cultures.
We also found the need to provide bilingual interactive content that integrates with the new technologies that we can already use in our institute at this time. Therefore, we believe that training by teachers is necessary, since the existence of multimedia platforms for teaching any subject or subject is already in reality and, therefore, almost unavoidable use by teachers.


Our objectives try to meet the needs so that we can gradually incorporate them (as we achieve) to our classroom schedules and the teaching-learning process methodologies. They are the following:
1. Develop awareness of relevance to the EU. For this it is necessary to know and sensitize with the values ​​of this space (not only geographical)
2. Promote and encourage the mobility of students and teachers for their professional development.
3. Involve the families of our students in the European projection of our center.
4. Promote the improvement in quality, innovation and internationalization of our institute.
5. Observe the application of other educational systems as well as their systems of practices in companies.
6. Improve the linguistic training of teachers and students.
7. Improve the capacity to respond to social, linguistic and cultural diversity.
8. Stimulate the improvement of the linguistic qualification of students in order to access European studies and / or labor market.
9. Open direct communication channels between the IES GUSTAVO ADOLFO BÉCQUER and EU companies.
10. Give our students the opportunity to put their skills into practice and learn other ways to develop their work.