Golbasi Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
(Golbasi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School)
Our school was opened in 2003. Our school is in the capital city of Turkey, Ankara. International transportation is very easy.
We have 2 lakes in Golbasi and Golbasi means Lakeside in Turkish.
The area of our scool is 17400 m2 and 3 buildings. The area of buildings is 5000 m2, the area of garden is 12400 m2, and sportive area is 600 m2.
The number of staff is 92. The number of students is 1000. We have 850 day students and 150 evening students ( adults students).
The age group of students is between 14-18 for day (normal) students and age of adult students is higher than 18.
Now in our school carries on the education with these fields:
• Technology of wooden Field.
• Technology of ICT (Computer) Field
• Electric and Electronics technology Field
• Metal Technology Field.
We have implemented employmet courses in 2009, 2010 about Carpentery, Welding, Automatic Control
We have participated in LDV mobility projects in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 as a partner and completed them.
In 2012 and 2013, two teachers of my school attended in Comenius in-service training.
We completed a LDV PARTNERSHIP project during 2013-2015. Its website is The name of the project is that “Training Disabled People Through ICT Solutions”
we completed an Erasmus + KA1 school education project in 2016. Its name ws “The eight methods of fighting early school leaving.”
We managed an Erasmus + KA102 VET mobility project (2016-2018).
We managed an Erasmus+ and a KA202 VET partnership project (Project Name: Teaching and learning microcontrollers via PicBasicPro(PBP) language in VET, Project date: 2016-2018,
Project website:
We started an Erasmus+ and a KA202 VET partnership project as a partner in 2019. Project No: “2019-1-ES01-KA202-065847”. Project name: “ReducingAbsenteeism ThroughTeamwork, MotivationandInsertion of Immigration”.

Romanian partners continue to popularise the project. The dissemination of our project took place in a meeting of teachers who teach technological disciplines from our town and nearby, on November 16th 2019, organised by County School Inspectorate. This meeting it hapening twice in a school year and the first meeting was organised in our school this time. I will announce detail about our project:name of the project, project goals, time frame, parteners, the expected impact on our school.
The first transnational meeting Project Number: 2019-1-ES01-KA202-065847, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, by SEPIE – Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education, was held at the IES GUSTAVO ADOLFO BÉCQUER, in Seville, It started on November 28.
Our partners are vocational training institutes and are the following:
– DIEK Agriniou – ΔΙΕΚ Αγρινίου (Agriniou – Greece)
Liceul Tehnologic Elena Caragiani (Tecuci- Romania)
Gölbaşı Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Ankara – Turkey)
Statny Institut Odborneho Vzdelavania (Bratislava – Slovakia)
Project partners were received by Mr. Francisco Jesús Ponce Capìtán, representing the Educational Planning Service of the Ministry of Education of Andalusia in Seville, and Ms. Consuelo G.Pradilla Gordillo, Headmistress of the IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Both welcomed the partners and desired productive work in the project and success in their objectives.
We start the meeting at 10:30 am, dealing with all the most important issues to deal with during the 24 months that the project will last.
- On avoid school absenteeism, as early leaving of the educational and vocational system by studying data of early leavers in EU and partner countries, studying partner institutions data and finding and sharing good practices driven to avoid it.
- Integration of immigrant students: Studying data of immigrant population in EU and partner countries, and also in partner institutions, and finding and sharing good practices related to those students. It will also be a solidary and intercultural event.
- Improve student skills: Work-based learning is the best option to improve student skills. In this way, we will use co-working, using simulated companies, English as language for communications, ICT resources (cloud, drive, …), and entrepreneurial and other digital resources.
- Exchange good innovation practices in active methodologies: Sharing good practices in all the fields that can be useful for the students, for example, ICT, entrepreneurship, digital skills, languages skills, … All of them will be based on the experience of partners and the recommendations of EU about work-based learning.
- Studying and comparison of the partners VET system: Visiting each partner and receiving information about their VET systems and labor markets, and making flyers, brochures and different info in English about how the VET system works in different countries.
Presentation Objectives, Finantial Rules, Quality Reports
Presentation Prodetur Spanish Good Practice
The second day, on November 29, we started at 10am. The topic to be discussed was the creation of a company among all the partners:
- Company simulation
- List of activities
- Assignment of activities to each country
- Commitments: How often video calls between students
- Commitments: Social networks.
is co-working between students from different schools in order to simulate the organization and management of a company. In this way, after the presentation and proposal of the Coordinator, partners agree on:
- Name of the company (Absvetpro)
- Logo
- Activity of the company:
- Departments of the company:
- Marketing will be developed by Romanian partner, and they will have to create the catalogue and flyers of the company for the next meeting.
- Buying and Selling will be developed by Greek partner and they will have to prepare place orders and delivery notes for the next meeting.
- Warehouse will be developed by Turkish partner and they will create the system for items control, after Romanian partner send him the catalogue
- Administration, Treasury and Financial department will be developed by Spanish partner. All the partners agree on starting with 60.000 € as share capital.
- All the partners must develop Human Resources Department, and all of them will have to create Europass CV´s of candidates and video interviews with potential candidates for the next meeting.
- All partners have to make a powtoon explaining the steps needed to set up a company in their countries, for the next meeting.
- All partners will generate some materials about taxes that a company must pay in their country.
All partners agreed that documents will be hosted in a drive, and that communications will be made by business letters and video calls. Video calls will be made twice a month.
This is the logo of our simulated company
This is the presentation of all the topics covered.
Analysis for Absenteeism and Immigration Insertion in Educational System
On November 29, we continued with all the pending points and at 3:30 pm it began in the theater of our institute “The solidarity event”. All the students of the formative cycles brought a plate of food from their homes. And so we managed to taste delicacies from Senegal, Spain, Morocco, Cuba, Peru, Greece, Turkia, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Ecuador.
KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Number: 2019-1-ES01-KA202-065847, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, by SEPIE – Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education.
Person |
Organization |
Vasilis Karagiannis |
DIEK Agriniou – ΔΙΕΚ Αγρινίου (Agriniou – Greece) |
Mirela Dragomir |
Liceul Tehnologic Elena Caragiani (Tecuci- Romania) |
Veronica Onica |
Liceul Tehnologic Elena Caragiani (Tecuci- Romania) |
Ladislav Satka |
Statny Institut Odborneho Vzdelavania (Bratislava – Slovakia) |
Katarina Hazuchova |
Statny Institut Odborneho Vzdelavania (Bratislava – Slovakia) |
Hüseyin Gökçe |
Gölbaşı Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Ankara – Turkey) |
Carmen Manrique |
IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (Seville – Spain) |
Julio Flores |
IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (Seville – Spain) |
Annex of the Teacher´s room at IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)
Calle López de Gomara, 16 – Seville (41010) – Spain
Meeting Schedule Starts at 9:30 on November 28th 2019
Meeting Actual Starts at 9:30 on November 28th 2019
Thursday November 28th 2019
- Reception and Visit to IES Bécquer:
Project partners were received by Mr. Francisco Jesús Ponce Capìtán, representing the Educational Planning Service of the Ministry of Education of Andalusia in Seville, and Ms. Consuelo G.Pradilla Gordillo, Headmistress of the IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Both welcomed the partners and desired productive work in the project and success in their objectives.
- Presentation of the partners:
In order, the partners presented their organizations and activities, and the persons who will work on this project:
- Vasilis Karagiannis of DIEK Agriniou (Agriniou-Greece)
- Mirela Dragomir and Ms. Veronica Onica of Liceul Tehnologic Elena Caragiani (Tecuci- Romania)
- Ladislav Satka and Ms. Katarina Hazuchova of Statny Institut Odborneho Vzdelavania (Bratislava – Slovakia)
- Hüseyin Gökçe of Gölbaşı Meslekive Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Ankara – Turkey)
- Julio Flores and Ms. Carmen Manrique of IES Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (Seville-Spain).
- Project objectives
- The objectives of the project were explained and their relation with the VET sectored priorities and the horizontal priority of open education and innovative practices in digital era. The Coordinator explained the proposal of his work on each objective:
- On avoid school absenteeism, as early leaving of the educational and vocational system by studying data of early leavers in EU and partner countries, studying partner institutions data and finding and sharing good practices driven to avoid it.
- Integration of immigrant students: Studying data of immigrant population in EU and partner countries, and also in partner institutions, and finding and sharing good practices related to those students. It will also be a solidary and intercultural event.
- Improve student skills: Work-based learning is the best option to improve student skills. In this way, we will use co-working, using simulated companies, English as language for communications, ICT resources (cloud, drive, …), and entrepreneurial and other digital resources.
- Exchange good innovation practices in active methodologies: Sharing good practices in all the fields that can be useful for the students, for example, ICT, entrepreneurship, digital skills, languages skills, … All of them will be based on the experience of partners and the recommendations of EU about work-based learning.
- Studying and comparison of the partners VET system: Visiting each partner and receiving information about their VET systems and labor markets, and making flyers, brochures and different info in English about how the VET system works in different countries.
- The coordinator also explained the items we will use for the project. It includes a website ( and other resources.
- Project will have 5 transnational meetings that will take place in:
- Spain: 28th-29th November 2019
- Slovakia: February 2020
- Turkey: April 2020
- Romania: October 2020
- Greece: March 2021
- Financial rules
- The coordinator explains that in this project we have only two cost items:
- Project management and implementation
- Transnational project meetings
- The coordinator explains the amounts each partner has in each cost item and which eligible costs are included in each item cost. Both item costs are per unit cost.
- The coordinator explains how the payments will be developed throughout all the duration of the project. He also explains the formal obligations for the execution and justification of the cost items that all the partners have to take care of. It includes:
- Minutes of each meeting
- Signature of assistants
- Certificates (to prove the existence of a formal link with people attending transnational project meetings)
- Travel documentation
- Insurance, and the areas that must be covered in each insurance contract
- Formal obligations for the execution of the project:
- Mobility Tool+
- Platform for Erasmus + Projects Results
- Quality reports
- Also as formal obligation, the project will be notified to SEPIE (Spanish National Agency for the Internationalization of Education), and external staff hired will make these reports. It will be made in the Mobility Tool and Coordinator is responsible of it. The partners must provide the information for those reports.
- The valued criteria were explained and also how the intermediate and final reports will be based on. It is really important our quality reports because if they are not as good as SEPIE considers, reduction in the cost of the eligible expenses may be applied because of deficient, partial or late execution.
- Spanish Example of a good practice: Prodetur – Educational platform that simulates a company: Partners visited the classroom where students where working with Prodetur and received information about how it works and the advantages using it. Spanish partner explains all the possibilities of this platform and also the possibility to use it by schools from other countries
- Vocational and Educational Training (VET) System in Spain: The Spanish educational system is explained, especially in the VET field. On this way, OCDE brochures of the different educational systems are given to compare and in order to find some similarities and differences between educative and VET systems of partner countries.
Friday November 29th 2019
- Work on the project
- Company simulation
- List of activities
- Assignment of activities to each country
- Commitments: How often video calls between students
- Commitments: Social networks.
One of the project´s objective is co-working between students from different schools in order to simulate the organization and management of a company. In this way, after the presentation and proposal of the Coordinator, partners agree on:
- Name of the company (Absvetpro)
- Logo
- Activity of the company
- Departments of the company:
- Marketing will be developed by Romanian partner, and they will have to create the catalogue and flyers of the company for the next meeting.
- Buying and Selling will be developed by Greek partner and they will have to prepare place orders and delivery notes for the next meeting.
- Warehouse will be developed by Turkish partner and they will create the system for items control, after Romanian partner send him the catalogue
- Administration, Treasury and Financial department will be developed by Spanish partner. All the partners agree on starting with 60.000 € as share capital.
- All the partners must develop Human Resources Department, and all of them will have to create Europass CV´s of candidates and video interviews with potential candidates for the next meeting.
- All partners have to make a powtoon explaining the steps needed to set up a company in their countries, for the next meeting.
- All partners will generate some materials about taxes that a company must pay in their country.
All partners agreed that documents will be hosted in a drive, and that communications will be made by business letters and video calls. Video calls will be made twice a month.
It is also very important that our project must be advertised and publicized therefore, so all partners will have to contribute with the required info for the website and also for the social media that will be create for the project (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,…). In this way, all partners agreed to disseminate our project and objectives as much as possible, in the local, national or international area, and also in this way, a role-up must be created to inform and publicize the project. The role-up will include logo, EU co-funded logo, title, number, partners and webpage of the project. Also we will disseminate the project on our websites and information will have to be sent to be published on the website project. Finally, partners accepted their responsibilities in the project, results and how we will measure them and the time schedule.
On the same way, partners agree on the dates for the next meetings:
- In Bratislava (Slovakia) on February 26th and 27th 2020
- In Ankara (Turkey) on April 27th and 28th 2020
- Analysis for Absenteeism and Immigration Insertion in Educational System: How to work the integration of immigrant students
- Information and data are given based on the strategic framework Education and Training 2020 of the European Union. In this way, the third objective of this framework tries to increase equity, social cohesion and active citizenship by pursuing work on early leavers and developing cooperation on migrants. Partners have been analyzing data and info and it will be worked during all the project.
- Solidarity and Intercultural event: Tasting meals from other countries.
- In the afternoon, an international and intercultural event took place in the school with the participation of the partners and Spanish students. The main objective was to share and enjoy music and food from different countries as way to integrate immigrants and meet different cultures.
- Meeting Evaluation and Certification:
- Partners evaluated the meeting and received the certification of their attendance.
- End meeting
Meeting Schedule Ends at 18:00 on November 29th 2019.
Meeting Actual Ends at 18:00 on November 29th 2019.

we tasted meals from Perú, Venezuela, Senegal, República Dominicana, Bolivia, España, Ecuador, Marruecos, Grecia, Rumanía, Turquía, Colombia.
Statny Institut Odborneho Vzdelavania – Bratislava – SLOVAKIA
SIOV – State Institute of Vocational education and training (SIOV) in Bratislava is a regulatory body for all network of secondary VET schools in Slovakia. Institute has experience in preparation of educational state and schools programs. Institute supports VET teacher training activities. Directly at the Institute was established Slovak center of school training firms that support entrepreneurship education for young people.